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4 recent client questions

Is VAT refundable on extensions and home improvements?

Unfortunately, in most cases the answer is no. But if a home has been unoccupied for at least three years, VAT is charged at the lesser rate of five percent. If it is 10 years, then VAT is zero.

Conversions such as a barn or commercial building to a home(s) will often attract VAT at 5% or zero.

Main Contractor or Managed Sub-Contractors?

The simple way forward is to obtain your project, then employ a builder as a main contractor to effectively take over from there. The second and most exciting way, is to obtain the project, have a

significant input in the design and execution of the pre-construction

requirements and then manage the whole construction phase yourself, with sub-contractors to the end.

Private Building Control or Local Authority?

You are free to choose which type of Building Control Body you use on your project. The LA building control officer will work within a local authority area, perhaps covering a small part of that area and specialising in property type, such as residential. An approved

inspector tends to be dealing on a much wider geographical basis, therefore notalways having the local knowledge and flexibility of time that a LA building control may have regarding appointments.

What is CDM?

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) came into force on 6 April 2015, replacing CDM 2007, and are principally concerned with Health and Safety. Since the majority of you will be undertaking works which fall under the heading of

“Domestic Client” as far as The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is concerned,there are now very stringent legal obligations irrespective of whether you use a main contractor or sub-contractors.

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